Fixing Error $053E on AutoCal

What Does Error $053E Mean?

If error $053E appears while programming your vehicle, it means that the VIN submitted with your order does not match the VIN of the vehicle you are trying to program with your AutoCal.

To resolve this, ensure that the VIN submitted for your AutoCal order matches the VIN of the vehicle being programmed. A new tune (*.bbx file) must be created and sent to you to correct the issue.

Important: You will need to upload the new tune to your AutoCal following the steps below.

Program Quick Setup

The Quick Setup is the fastest way to program all files required to make AutoCal functional.

Data included in the Quick Setup file:

  • Device settings
  • Current Options.txt file containing controllers and PID selections
  • All required configuration files (*.obj, *.pmm, *.bix, *.dtc)
  • Up to 5 tune files (*.ctz and/or *.coz)

This method requires your tuner to send you a *.bbx quick setup file via email.

Steps to Upload New Tune to AutoCal

  1. Save the *.bbx file from your tuner to the folder: \Documents\EFILive\V8\BBX
  2. Connect AutoCal to your PC and open the V8 Scan and Tune software.
  3. In V8 software, navigate to [F5: BBX] - [F6: Quick Setup]
  4. Select [Open Quick Setup] and choose the *.bbx file sent by your tuner.
  5. Do not modify any settings unless instructed by your tuner.
  6. Select [Program Quick Setup] to program device settings, controller configuration, and tune files to your AutoCal.

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