How to Locate the Serial Number and Authorization Code for an EFI Live AutoCal V3 Device

How to Locate the Serial Number and Authorization Code for an EFI Live AutoCal V3 Device

Steps to Retrieve Serial Number and Authorization Code

  1. Connect your AutoCal device to your computer.
  2. Launch the EFILive V8 Scan and Tune application.
  3. In the left-hand panel, click the F7: Licenses button.
  4. Under the F2: Hardware tab, find the serial number in the Serial Number field. Copy this serial number for VIN License purchase.
  5. To view the VIN License information, click on the F3: VIN tab.
AutoCal V3 Serial Number Display AutoCal V3 VIN License Display

Purchasing a VIN License

To purchase a VIN License, click the [Generate Auth Code] button. The Authentication Code will appear in the Auth Code field.

If the available VIN license slots are depleted, customers will not be able to place a VIN License order until Diesel Edge increases the license slot limit.

AutoCal V3 VIN Slots Display

VIN License Validation Assistance

If the serial number and authentication code fail validation, an error code will be shown. Customers must ensure that the information entered matches exactly what is shown in the EFILive software.

  • Confirm the software version used to generate the authentication code.
  • Ensure there are no extra spaces before or after the code.
  • Hyphens are crucial.
  • The serial number should be either 10 or 12 characters long.
  • The authentication code must be exactly 20 characters.
  • Make sure the license quantity limit has not been exceeded.

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